I am Emily Ellison and this is my Instagram created, designed, and transformed into a website. Born and raised in Jackson, MS I went to the University of Mississippi where I studied Hospitality Management as an undergrad and expanded my knowledge of food, travel, and the hospitality industry!
Bored or Hungry was created in the Summer of 2018 when I lived in Charleston, SC while I worked as an intern for an Events Company. It was really only for my personal documentation of what I ate around a new food city. It followed me to Florence, Italy where I studied abroad the following semester. It has followed me ever since, and now into my kitchen where I share my own recipes.
Now, being located in New York my options to try new food are endless!
I am not a trained chef by any means, I am self-taught from videos and my favorite cookbooks.
Here I will share what I do when I am BORED OR HUNGRY.

Wondering what meal I dream about constantly. This one, from Tatte in Boston, MA.